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Full Version: lost clock display (SOLVED)
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hi all...been using gps bkt time sync for a while....changed the monitors on my the "clock" in time sync does not display..any ideas ??  thanks jim wa4yiz
(05-15-2023, 05:08 AM)wa4yiz Wrote: [ -> ]hi all...been using gps bkt time sync for a while....changed the monitors on my the "clock" in time sync does not display..any ideas ??  thanks jim wa4yiz

Try this: 
  1. end BktClock by opening BktTimeSync and removing the check from Enable BktClock, 
  2. open Regedit, 
  3. expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IZ2BKT\BktClock\Main, 
  4. delete the ClockPos key, 
  5. close Regedit, 
  6. reopen BktClock.
this worked great...
many thanks...
clock is back on my screen