Would it be possible in a future revision to add a select able update interval that is separate from Time Sync? As it stands now, grid updates only get sent when a time sync is sent.
If I'm operating portable in motion, it would help to have the grid updated at a more frequent interval than my usual 1 hour for Time sync.
Tnx, Mike
N1JEZ Wrote:Would it be possible in a future revision to add a select able update interval that is separate from Time Sync? As it stands now, grid updates only get sent when a time sync is sent.
If I'm operating portable in motion, it would help to have the grid updated at a more frequent interval than my usual 1 hour for Time sync.
Tnx, Mike
Hi Mike,
to calculate the grid, it's necessary to query the satellite to determine the current position. Therefore, if you already have this data, it wouldn't make sense to only derive the grid without synchronizing the time. If you require recent updates, it's advisable to activate the option [Always connect to GPS] and reduce the [Sync every] interval.