Hello, All...
I have been experimenting with BKTServer and IC-7000BKT (Full Version).
I am having many problems but I am trying to solve them myself,
One problem that I am having is that the BKTServer is occasionally reporting "Error : 10048". Usually I lose the audio feed at the same time (although I lose the audio a lot).
Can anyone tell me what a 10048 error is or where I should begin debugging?
Thanks, 73
Hi Mike,
Error 10048 indicates a problem connecting, you may be given by a firewall or a program that uses the same port.
Thanks, Mauro.
I think the firewall and routers are configured properly because the Client DOES control the radio. Perhaps there is another program trying to grab the port.
I have checked the firewall and router. As I mentioned, the configuration seem OK because I do get sound and control, at least for a while.
I also used netstat to find out who might be opening the port. Only BKTServer.exe used port 7060.
I there another port I need to open?
Currently I only have 7060 and the VNC port open (to control the computer about 60 miles away).
I also sometimes get message:
"Serial port COM0 is not working or communications error."
I do not use COM0 (only COM4 and COM5). Why does it care about COM0 ?
Perhaps if another TCP/UDP port is involved then this might explain it...
Thanks for your patience!
Hi Mike,
COM0 is the virtual port created by the driver BktClient.
A connection Client/Server with audio requires about 80-100kbps of constant bandwidth.
Remember to turn off the Polling button (top left IC7000BKT).
In my next version I programmed a more efficient connection client / server, but unfortunately I lack the time to make

Mauro, et al;
Here is an update...
I am in a private hospital room and I use BKTServer to serve up my IC-7000 about 60 miles away. I have most of the bugs figured out. I do use Skype for the audio as I discovered that I can run it for several days without hanging, Also, I am getting RF into the system for some reason. But this is not the fault of the program.
Thanks, Mauro! I can now play with my hobby from my little room.
Thanks Mike,
I hope to implement the new client / server version as soon as possible.
I'll give you best wishes.