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WSJTX Auto Grid Not Worki...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-18-2024, 07:07 AM
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cambio porta cat
Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-04-2024, 06:29 AM
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Virtual com port not work...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
06-19-2024, 01:26 PM
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Fldigi config
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Last Post: iz2bkt
05-04-2024, 06:11 AM
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Grid update interval for ...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-15-2024, 06:44 AM
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IC7100BKT Version 1.12.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-05-2024, 09:40 AM
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IC7000BKT Version 1.30.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-04-2024, 03:45 PM
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IC706_BKT Version 4.20.x
Forum: News / Novità
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04-04-2024, 02:04 PM
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Info File Hamlib per Yaes...
Forum: Yaesu
Last Post: Fabrizio Meli
03-05-2024, 05:21 PM
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Localize Japanese
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
03-02-2024, 01:53 PM
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  Auto Power OFF
Posted by: ct1eky - 08-15-2011, 01:14 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (3)


the program has a funtion in the SET MODE folder to "Set the power-off period for automatic shutdown".

The question is how this function really works and if is possible to get the RAdio "power-on" using the software. This will be great for remote operation of the transceiver through the internet.


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  Improve remote connection client/server
Posted by: iz2bkt - 08-15-2011, 01:14 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - No Replies

The transceiver Icom IC-7000 has many commands CI-V and on a slow connection may cause delays and false indications.
For a good functioning the network should have a bandwidth of about 150kbps in download and 50kbps for upload.

To improve the communication :

In the program IC7000BKT :

1 - Disable [Polling]
2 - If there are errors in setting, in Utility- >Configuration manually put the value in Latency time ( try with 500 or more )

In BKTServer :

1 - If you use more than one network card, in IP put the IP address of the network card to use.
2 - In Audio Stream Configuration use low values of bits/sample and sample/sec, increasing the Buffers increases the delay of listening to the audio.

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  IC7000BKT Version 1.15.1
Posted by: iz2bkt - 08-13-2011, 01:00 PM - Forum: News / Novità - Replies (1)

Is available for download :

IC7000BKT Version 1.15.1 :

- Removed bug on displaying PTT, AudioRecorder and QuickSet.

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  Problems with Quickset
Posted by: wb8nbi - 07-14-2011, 05:11 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (3)

When I try to use quickset the program gets very unstable. The Sql and RF gain bounce up and down I have to close program to get it back. Another question is their a way to disable Quickset and PTT and remove them from computer screen?

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Posted by: g0vax - 07-07-2011, 04:42 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (4)

Hi Mauro,
Wonder if you could possibly post up some examples of the memory files? I am trying to load up my radio memories with all the local repeaters on 2mtrs. The CSV files I have downloaded don't seem to want to convert into IC706_BKT for some reason.

Best Wishes

Brian G0VAX

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  Helpfile available as a PDF?
Posted by: g0vax - 07-06-2011, 06:18 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (2)

Hi there,
Is the helpfile available as a PDF so it can be printed out?

Best Wishes

Brian G0VAX

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  How to change size and appearance
Posted by: iz2bkt - 06-16-2011, 07:30 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Discussioni - Problemi - Errori - No Replies

To change the size or the aspect of the program you have to configure the font and font size.

Tab Utility -> Configuration
and change the values marked by the arrows.

[Image: CatBkt_CambiaFont.png]

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  How to change size and appearance
Posted by: iz2bkt - 06-16-2011, 07:22 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

To change the size or the aspect of the program you have to configure the font and font size.

Tab Utility -> Configuration
and change the values marked by the arrows.

[Image: IC7000BKT_CambiaFont.png]

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  How to change size and appearance
Posted by: iz2bkt - 06-16-2011, 07:14 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

To change the size or the aspect of the program you have to configure the font and font size.

Tab Utility -> Configuration
and change the values marked by the arrows.

[Image: IC706_BKT_CambiaFont.png]

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  Icom IC7400 - problemi Com
Posted by: iz1fgz - 06-15-2011, 08:54 AM - Forum: Icom - Replies (3)

Ho l'intenzione di usare CatBkt per controllare la radio in ogetto in unione con BBlogger, purtroppo non riesco in nessun modo a far funzionare il collegamento con la porta Com1. Premetto che la porta è la porta standard e non un convertitore Usb-Com, inoltre il funzionamento della porta è sicuro, poiche con altri programmi come HRD o QarTest non ho nessun problema, sulla radio ho impostato tutte le velocità possibili, ma il risultato non cambia. devo anche dire che subito dopo l'installazione ha funzionato, sino al riavvio del PC, da quel momento in poi niente da fare, anche pulendo il registro di sistema.
Ho provato sia CatBkt_beta.exe che ic7000bkt_Setup.exe con il medesimo risultato.
Pc Pentium 4 3 Gb con 4 Mb ram
S.O. Win XP Sp. 3
Antivirus Avast
ùUn ringraziamento anticipato a chi mi darà qualche dritta.

IZ1FGZ Piero Torino

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