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WSJTX Auto Grid Not Worki...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-18-2024, 07:07 AM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 67
cambio porta cat
Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-04-2024, 06:29 AM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 228
Virtual com port not work...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
06-19-2024, 01:26 PM
» Replies: 3
» Views: 295
Fldigi config
Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori
Last Post: iz2bkt
05-04-2024, 06:11 AM
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» Views: 399
Grid update interval for ...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-15-2024, 06:44 AM
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» Views: 560
IC7100BKT Version 1.12.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-05-2024, 09:40 AM
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IC7000BKT Version 1.30.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-04-2024, 03:45 PM
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IC706_BKT Version 4.20.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-04-2024, 02:04 PM
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Info File Hamlib per Yaes...
Forum: Yaesu
Last Post: Fabrizio Meli
03-05-2024, 05:21 PM
» Replies: 4
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Localize Japanese
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
03-02-2024, 01:53 PM
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» Views: 1,025

  WSJTX Auto Grid Not Working
Posted by: K5JSG - 07-17-2024, 07:54 PM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (1)

I have tried to get the Auto Grid to work with no results.  I have followed the directions from this post: https://www.maniaradio.it/forum/showthread.php?tid=569

     1.   I am running Windows 10 with the latest updates
     2.   I have installed .Net Framework 4.8.1
     3.   I have made sure the IP address and ports are correct in both BktTimeSynce and WSJTX along with the check boxes for auto grid
     4.   I have made sure that I have the GPS info including grid square before trying to push the auto

See attached pictures and the diagnostic log.

.txt   LogDiag.txt (Size: 22.83 KB / Downloads: 14)


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  cambio porta cat
Posted by: I3VWK - 07-03-2024, 11:20 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

salve scusate l'ignoranza, ho scaricato ic7300bkt e bktnetint per sincronizzare wsjtx e bblogger, ho sbagliato ad inserire la porta com e non vedo come/dove posso cambiarla. grazie, 73  Rudy

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  Virtual com port not working
Posted by: fmgkamps - 06-18-2024, 09:29 AM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (3)

I am using a Getac rugged laptop with an integrated GPS which is internally available on COM2. On the Getac laptop VGPS software is standard installed which has the possibility to share the GPS data on max 5 virtual com ports.
If the VGPS software is disabled the BktTimeSync software is working fine on COM2, however if the VGPS software is enabled the BktTimeSync software is not working on any of the virtual come ports created by VGPS. All other software which uses GPS works fine on the virtual com ports, including the timesync software GPS2Time developed by VK4ADC.
Is there a workaround for this issue?
Regards, Frank (PE0FK)

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  Fldigi config
Posted by: Chrisl - 05-03-2024, 08:48 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

Great program! 

I use bktnetinterface for jtdx which works great.

How do I set up fldigi to use this?


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  Grid update interval for WSJT-X
Posted by: N1JEZ - 04-14-2024, 04:55 PM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (1)

Would it be possible in a future revision to add a select able update interval that is separate from Time Sync? As it stands now, grid updates only get sent when a time sync is sent.

If I'm operating portable in motion, it would help to have the grid updated at a more frequent interval than my usual 1 hour for Time sync.

Tnx, Mike

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  IC7100BKT Version 1.12.x
Posted by: iz2bkt - 04-05-2024, 09:40 AM - Forum: News / Novità - No Replies

Is available for download IC7100BKT:

Version 1.12.0 : 
.Various improvements

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  IC7000BKT Version 1.30.x
Posted by: iz2bkt - 04-04-2024, 03:45 PM - Forum: News / Novità - No Replies

Is available for download IC7000BKT:

Version 1.30.0 : Various improvements

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  IC706_BKT Version 4.20.x
Posted by: iz2bkt - 04-04-2024, 02:04 PM - Forum: News / Novità - No Replies

Is available for download IC706_BKT:

Version 4.20.0 : Various improvements

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  Localize Japanese
Posted by: Toshiyuki Onaka - 03-02-2024, 08:51 AM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (1)

Mauro san
I created Japanese.lng which is translated into Japanese.
How can I have it included in the next release?
If you would like to send it by email, please let me know your email address.

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  Info File Hamlib per Yaesu FT-710
Posted by: Fabrizio Meli - 03-01-2024, 04:22 PM - Forum: Yaesu - Replies (4)

Come nuovo iscritto porgo un cordiale saluto a tutti.
Le mie condizioni di utilizzo sono BBLogger + CatBkt con Yaesu FT-710.
Premetto che questo set funziona perfettamente, pur tuttavia mi pongo un problema probabilmente futile ma comunque credo interessante.
Per accoppiare l' FT-710 con CatBkt devo utilizzare l'impostazione dell' FTdx10 che praticamente ha la stessa logica di comunicazione.
Ho visto con altra applicazione che Hamlib ha rilasciato il file dedicato e stabile per il FT-710. 
Chiedo pertanto gentilmente se fosse possibile aggiornarlo anche in CatBkt.
Grazie e 73 de I0FZM

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