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WSJTX Auto Grid Not Worki...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-18-2024, 07:07 AM
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cambio porta cat
Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-04-2024, 06:29 AM
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Virtual com port not work...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
06-19-2024, 01:26 PM
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Fldigi config
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05-04-2024, 06:11 AM
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Grid update interval for ...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-15-2024, 06:44 AM
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IC7100BKT Version 1.12.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-05-2024, 09:40 AM
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IC7000BKT Version 1.30.x
Forum: News / Novità
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04-04-2024, 03:45 PM
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IC706_BKT Version 4.20.x
Forum: News / Novità
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04-04-2024, 02:04 PM
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Info File Hamlib per Yaes...
Forum: Yaesu
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03-05-2024, 05:21 PM
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Localize Japanese
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
03-02-2024, 01:53 PM
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  Tunning by keyboard
Posted by: LY1GP - 12-14-2011, 08:50 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Discussioni - Problemi - Errori - Replies (3)

At first I would like to say that this program is the best CAT program for FT-747, which lacks of support of such software providers.
ANd my request would be make a possibility to tune by keyboard, because not always mouse could be used and not very practical.
With arrows left and right freq changem and up down active number select, for example.

Thanks for great product, expect further development.

73! LY1GP, Gintaras

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  How do I change my call sign ?
Posted by: iz2bkt - 11-20-2011, 09:13 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

To change the call sign in the program fill this form http://www.iz2bkt.com/segnalazioni_en.html specifying in the Comment old and new callsign.

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  How do I change my call sign ?
Posted by: iz2bkt - 11-20-2011, 09:10 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

To change the call sign in the program fill this form http://www.maniaradio.it/en/contact-form.html specifying in the Comment old and new callsign.

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Posted by: i7wxb-Tony - 10-14-2011, 01:02 PM - Forum: Ten-Tec - Replies (5)

Un saluto a tutti ed in primis a BKT.
Sono un molto modesto utilizzatore di PC.
Ho fatto il download.Nela prima finestra che si è aperta ho messo il call,il nome,scelto omniVII,poi ho dato la porta com e.......si è aperta una finestrella di sincronizzazione ed una piu' piccola del registratore e.....
poi piu' nulla poichè il programma non risponde.
Se ci fosse una guida all'utilizzo step by step forse....
Grazie per il vostro aiuto.Cordialità

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  Yaesu FT-2000
Posted by: Marco - 10-12-2011, 08:01 AM - Forum: Yaesu - Replies (15)

Ciao IZ2BKT,
ho scaricato dal tuo sito il CATbkt, ma non funziona l'impostazione con il mio FT-2000. Ho un PC Win7. In pratica dal mio FT-2000 è collegato con il microHam e per far funzionare la porta com ho installato il software della microham e con questo programma mi riconosce la COM 4. Un volta lanciato il programma della microHam ho aperto il CATbkt, inserendo la COM 4, ma quest'ultimo non funziona e non riesco a capire come mai....... Mi potresti aiutare? Complimenti per il programma ciaoo 73 de HB9TSU Marco

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  Windows 7 and sound
Posted by: rmdefore - 09-24-2011, 11:13 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (4)

I am having a sound problem with my system. I am running windows 7 home premium. I cannot enable the computer sound at all. Do you have any suggestions?

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  Scan resume Icom Ic-700
Posted by: kc7ido - 09-16-2011, 04:18 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

When useing the scanner on BKT, when stop the software defaults the radios menu #28 (set mode, other, #28 ) to off. I am thinking a option to default the setting on/off when exit. This really isn't a big issue unless using radio on scan with out BKT back and forth. Then this must be reset every time.

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  Memories and setting profile/save function
Posted by: kc7ido - 08-31-2011, 07:09 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (2)

I would like to see a way to save all settings and memories into a single file for setting up "profiles" for rapid reprograming. EX: I could have a "home profile" with all my settings and memories, then switch to a "travel profile" which would contain completely different radio and memories. Great for the "long-haul" or setting different "users" even. Thanks, Keep up the good work ! Big Grin

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  IC-706 MKII S-Meter Read
Posted by: sv8ckm - 08-21-2011, 07:16 AM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (2)


Does IC706_BKT Cat Control for Icom IC-706 supports s-meter read during TX (PO or SWR)?

Thank you & 73s

Fotis - sv8ckm

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  Improve remote connection client/server
Posted by: iz2bkt - 08-15-2011, 01:30 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

For a good functioning the network should have a bandwidth of about 150kbps in download and 50kbps for upload.

To improve the communication :

In the program IC706_BKT :

1 - Disable [Polling]
2 - If there are errors in setting, in Utility- >Configuration manually put the value in Latency time ( try with 500 or more )

In BKTServer :

1 - If you use more than one network card, in IP put the IP address of the network card to use.
2 - In Audio Stream Configuration use low values of bits/sample and sample/sec, increasing the Buffers increases the delay of listening to the audio.

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