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WSJTX Auto Grid Not Worki...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-18-2024, 07:07 AM
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cambio porta cat
Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori
Last Post: iz2bkt
07-04-2024, 06:29 AM
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Virtual com port not work...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
06-19-2024, 01:26 PM
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Fldigi config
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Last Post: iz2bkt
05-04-2024, 06:11 AM
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Grid update interval for ...
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-15-2024, 06:44 AM
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IC7100BKT Version 1.12.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-05-2024, 09:40 AM
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IC7000BKT Version 1.30.x
Forum: News / Novità
Last Post: iz2bkt
04-04-2024, 03:45 PM
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IC706_BKT Version 4.20.x
Forum: News / Novità
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04-04-2024, 02:04 PM
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Info File Hamlib per Yaes...
Forum: Yaesu
Last Post: Fabrizio Meli
03-05-2024, 05:21 PM
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Localize Japanese
Forum: BktTimeSync
Last Post: iz2bkt
03-02-2024, 01:53 PM
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  Can't make settings anu more
Posted by: pc2c - 02-19-2023, 04:18 PM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (1)

I have installed the latest version of BktTimeSync on Windows11. The first time I started up I got a setup screen where I could set some things.
I'll determine when and how to synchronize the time and everything seemed to be working properly.
The second time I launched the program, nothing visually happened, not a single screen popped up. So I can't set or change anything anymore.
There is nothing in the taskbar either. The time is synchronized (every hour) correctly so the program is running. I can see this in the Windows notifications.
Un-installing and re-installing won't help.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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  ic-706 on/off
Posted by: sv8alq - 02-10-2023, 05:16 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (2)

Good evening. I just registered to this program for ic-706. I like some times to work remote from another pc on the same network. The software is connected to ic-706. What i need to do is to connect to remote pc to run the software and put on or off the radio but i cannot see any button in software.
Is anybody here tried to do this? 
thank you.

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  Nat Provider
Posted by: icom64 - 12-22-2022, 03:31 PM - Forum: BktRemote Suite - Replies (1)

Volevo utilizzare il programma BktSuite per collegare la mia stazione che si trova a casa dei miei genitori, dove non c'e' l'adsl, utilizzando una connessione mobile con sim e router. C'e la possibilità di aprire le porta utilizzate dal programma con questo tipo di connessione? Avendo fatto delle prove in merito (tramite es desktop remoto) abbiamo constatato che le porte sono nattate.
saluti '73 IK3ZBG

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  problema IC7000BKT-BktremoteServer
Posted by: scandio - 11-17-2022, 10:08 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

mentre il sistema con IC706MKII funziona correttamente con la gestione remota, ho riscontrato un problema attivando lo stesso tipo di connessione
con un IC7000:
- IC7000BKT si connette regolarmente alla radio
- attivando BktRemoteServer(sullo stesso pc), si ottiene il messaggio:
  "errore aprendo IC7000BKT: assicurarsi che sia esattamente configurato"
  ma non capisco quale configurazione vada fatta

 (non ho notato differenze nelle maschere nei due casi, salvo ovviamente i dati relativi alla radio)

aggiungo una nota generale:
nella pagina BktRemoteSuite dovresti evidenziare meglio che BktRemoteServer si usa con BktRemoteClient windows
mentre BktRemoteServer.net si usa per la connessione a client android
(se ho capito bene, e come hai riportato in una nota nel forum)
perchè le scritte attuali possono generare confusione

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  Build for ARM-based system
Posted by: w4nai - 11-13-2022, 06:03 PM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (1)

Hi there,
I have a relatively new ARM-based laptop (Lenovo x13s) running Windows 11, and I'm interested in using it for digital operation for Amateur radio, as it boasts very long battery life. Would it be possible to get builds of BktTimeSync for ARM platforms? Windows 11 has emulation support for x86/intel systems but running native ARM applications provides better performance (and therefore better battery life) and will likely be less prone for errors.

-Ian W4NAI

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  Cambiare dicitura Frase 1 in AutoCQ (SOLVED)
Posted by: IK1XVO - 11-12-2022, 03:58 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Discussioni - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)

Ciao Mauro,

Nella finestra Auto Cq é possibile cambiare la dicitura "frase 1" in Cq dx....per esempio e così per Frase 2 ecc.

Giusto per sapere in anticipo cosa si va a trasmettere?

Forse dal file .ini     ma prima di fare cavolate...

73 IK1XVO Marco

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  BktTimeSync not starting on Windows startup
Posted by: FrankO - 10-09-2022, 02:47 PM - Forum: BktTimeSync - Replies (5)

I recently installed BktTimeSync 1.11.3 on a Windows 10 PC. If I manually run the program, the ntp functions work fine. However, BktTimeSync does not start on Windows startup.

Under General Options in BktTimeSync, I selected "Start on Windows startup," "Start on system tray" and "Sync on startup." However, I checked the system tray and it is not starting. If I run the program manually, it does start in the system tray and appears to do a sync.

As an experiment I created a shortcut for the program and placed it here:

c:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BktTimeSync

However, it still is not starting on Windows startup.

Can you make any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Thumbs Up Still says trial Version SOLVED
Posted by: 2E0LXY - 09-18-2022, 01:38 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - Replies (1)


Just received the email with my personal key. Tried both methods of install but still says Trial version after a restart. 
Any ideas please. 


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  Efficiente interfaccia CAT USB by I2WQ
Posted by: iz2bkt - 07-30-2022, 01:22 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generale - Problemi - Errori - No Replies

Scandio I2WQ segnala questa semplice interfaccia USB che non ha problemi di drivers e dal costo veramente irrisorio:

[Image: Cavo_CAT_FTDI_PTT.png]

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  Efficiente interfaccia CAT USB by I2WQ
Posted by: iz2bkt - 07-30-2022, 01:20 PM - Forum: General discussion - Problems - Bugs / Generali - Problemi - Errori - Replies (6)

Scandio I2WQ segnala questa semplice interfaccia USB che non ha problemi di drivers e dal costo veramente irrisorio:

[Image: Cavo_CAT_FTDI_PTT.png]

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